«Klockrent – A Very Large Concert» is the winning entry in the 2014 Prix Italia, in the Radio Music – Composed Work category!

The motivation from the jury:

More than 200 church bells in function! The largest island of Sweden has been transformed into a live concert hall, allowing the radio listeners to hear all the bells of Gotland performing together. A musical, technological and social experience, exploring many possibilities of contemporary interactivity.

This piece combines the use of smartphones and apps to record and broadcast a pioneer initiative, a 3 movement concerto created by 3 composers. We highly appreciate the chosen instruments, because bells evoke traditions, memories and emotions shared throughout history.

The structure of the work mirrors both the community and the individual human being through big “tutti” sounds and a poetic central movement played on a single carillon. An incredible project that puts a classical radio station in the center of a national contemporary music experiment, increasing its image and popularity into the largest possible audience.

Här kan Klockrent-konserten avlyssnas

Och så här ser partituret ut till Karin Rehnqvists första sats i Klockrent – En Mycket Stor Konsert, som direktsändes i Sveriges Radio P2 lördagen den 8 juni 2013 kl 11.00.


















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