for Solo Flute
Karin Rehnqvist ist one of the most successful Swedish composers, and her music has been performed around the world. She frequently allows herself to be inspired by Swedish Folk Muisc, but the result has been more a reflection of herself. Her music is different, daring and genuinely personal. In 1998 she composed for the Warzaw Autumn Festival, the three part flute solo Wings. The first two sections are played on the flauto grande, the third on the alto flute.
Articulation and rhythm play an important role. In the first part, Energico, there is among the ”wing beats” a feeling that the pulse suddenly jolts and quickens for a few beats, then swiftly returns to its original pace. The second section is a quasi waltz, where the three beats of the waltz are of different lengths. The final section is the tranquillo.