Since 1983, she has composed choral music for all kinds of ensembles: treble choir, powerful girls’ choir, women’s choir, men’s choir, mixed choir, and soloist choir. A cappella or with varying instrumental accompaniment.

Most things have been going forward. But her real breakthrough work from 1994 – David’s Nimm – is actually backward.

So, until the spring of 2021, there will be a total of 60+ different works for choirs.

A lot of poetry

I read a lot of poetry, am constantly looking for lyrics to compose, says Karin.

When I find something where there may be an opportunity for music, I make a line in the margin with a colored pencil. Maybe one day that particular poem will need tones, rhythms, timbre.

In Harry Martinson’s book Dikter om ljus och mörker (Poems about light and darkness), there are many colors and lines, says Karin.

There are more poets and authors than Martinson who have been given a place in her various choral works.

Here are Werner Apenström, Bo Bergman, Erik Blomberg, Gunnar Björling, Stig Dagerman, Kerstin Ekman, Gunnar Ekelöf, Björn von Rosen, Göran Sonnevi. As well as some foreign poets: Paul Celan, Eugéne Guillevic, Nelly Sachs, William Shakespeare, Edith Södergran, to name a few.

For the original titles in Swedish, please visit this page

A TRIUMPH TO EXIST1990for women’s chorus
AS LONG AS THE MOON SHALL RISE2020for treble chorus and solo voices
AUNT ESTHER1990for treble chorus
COME HERE, ALL!1993fanfare for treble chorus and two trumpets, alt. organ
DAVID’S NIMM 1984for three female voices and women’s chorus ad lib
DAY IS HERE2018for eight solo solo voices and strings
DO NOT FEAR THE DARKNESS1997/2007for mixed chorus
FRIENDS AND THE SUN /Like the sun/The Monkey Song1992for treble chorus
GIVE US YOUR PEACE2009for mixed chorus
GRAIN OF MUSTARD1983for three-part treble chorus
GREATER AND SMALLER2003for male chorus
HAYA! – Song of the Joy of Day2009/2011or two mixed choirs
HAYA! – Song of the Joy of Day2009for mixed chorus
HEAVY THUNDER2021for mixed chorus and cello
HERE AM I. WHERE ARE YOU?1989for vigorous girls’ choir and congas (alt. bongos/tablas/darbouka)
I RAISE MY HANDS2017for mixed chorus
IN HEAVEN’S HALL1998/2004for treble chorus and four solo voices
IN HEAVEN’S HALL1998for mixed chorus and four solo voices
IN PRAISE OF WISDOM1996for mixed chorus and two children voices
IN PRAISE OF WISDOM1996for women’s choir and two young soloists
LE CHANT 1 & LE CHANT 22020canon for mixed chorus
LIFE’S A FALDERA1996canon for mixed or treble chorus
LIGHT OF LIGHT2003for children’s choir and symphony orchestra
MY SONG2016for mixed chorus or treble chorus with instruments ad lib
NIGHT2021for mixed chorus (SSAAT) and cello
NIGHT WILL COME1996/2003for treble chorus
NIGHT WILL NOT COME1996/2003for male chorus
NOTHING2004for alto flute and women’s chorus
ONE BROTHER MORE and THE INCHWORM1996/2005for mixed chorus
ONE BROTHER MORE and THE INCHWORM1996/2005for women’s chorus
REQUIEM AETERNAM2008for two sopranos, mixed choir and orchestra
SALVE REGINA – HEAVENLY QUEEN2007for mixed chorus, fl., ob., kl., mand, guitar, harp, perc. piano
SJI OLWATT1989/2020for female soloist, percussion and mixed chorus
SJI OLWATT1989/2020for female soloist, percussion and women’s chorus
SONG FROM THE TALE OF FATUMEH1988for 12-part men’s chorus
SONGS FROM THE EARTH /Night on our earth/Do not fear the darkness1992/2008for mixed chorus
SONGS FROM THE EARTH /Night on our earth/Do not fear the darkness1992for treble chorus
SONGS FROM THE NORTH2018for soloists and mixed chorus
SOURDOUGH1983for treble chorus, perc., strings and winds ad lib
TEILE DICH NACHT2002for mixed chorus and solo female voice
TENEBRAE2010for mixed chorus
THE BREAD IN MY MOUTH2009for mixed chorus
THE ETERNITY OF DARKNESS1996/2005for treble chorus, mixed chorus and timpani
THE FIELDS OF LIGHT1989for mixed chorus and string trio ad lib
THE FIELDS OF LIGHT1989for women’s choir and string trio ad lib
THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD2007/2010for treble chorus
THE RAVEN HIMSELF IS HOARSE 2004for women’s chorus
THE WORLD CLOCK2017for mixed choir and cello
TILT1985drama for mixed chorus a cappella
TIME IS CALLING FOR YOU/ Night/Heavy Thunder/The World Clock2021for mixed chorus and cello; mvt 3 piano is added
TO THE ANGEL WITH THE FIERY HANDS2000for mixed chorus and oboe
TO THE ANGEL WITH THE FIERY HANDS2001for women’s chorus and oboe
TO THE ANGEL WITH THE FIERY HANDS – Concert version1990–2005for women’s chorus, solo voice and four instruments
TRIOMPHE D’EXISTER/ A TRIUMPH TO EXIST2008for children’s chorus and symphony orchestra
TWO CHEERFUL SONGS FOR CHOIR/ Life’s a Faldera and The Monkey Song1990for mixed or treble chorus.
WELCOME!2016for mixed chorus, two alto saxophones and vibes
WHEN NIGHT CONFERS REPOSE2003for mixed chorus
WHEN YOU BUT WALK THE GROUND1995for mixed chorus
Previous post The choral fair in Hanover – with Karin Rehnqvist